Our team

Our specialists guarantee tailor-made solutions with perfect workmanship. That is why we encourage our employees, train them and develop them further. A good working atmosphere at eye level is a must in our family business.

Roland Leu

Roland Leu

CEO, Head of Service and Maintenance

Rafael Ullrich

Rafael Ullrich

CEO, Head of Planning and Technology

Urs Furrer

Urs Furrer

Member of Direction Board, Head of Production and Planning

Cornelia Garbely

Cornelia Garbely

Member of Direction Board, Head of HR and Finances

Peter Junker

Peter Junker

Member of Direction Board, Head of Sales

Stefan May

Stefan May


Hubert Marfurt

Hubert Marfurt

Head of Electrical Department

Slavisa Ignjatovic

Slavisa Ignjatovic

Head of Assembly Department

Marcel Weihrauch

Marcel Weihrauch

Production and Assembly, Apprentice Supervisor

Markus Birrer

Markus Birrer


Kastriot Spaqaj

Kastriot Spaqaj

Production and Assembly

René Haas

René Haas

Service and Maintenance

Maice Haas

Maice Haas

Service and Maintenance

Andy Hirsbrunner

Andy Hirsbrunner

Production, Service and Maintenance

Viktor Bertschi

Viktor Bertschi

Production, Assembly, Service and Maintenance

Mark Bullakaj

Mark Bullakaj


Claude Hauri

Claude Hauri


Dominik Kurmann

Dominik Kurmann

Production, Assembly, Maintenance and Safety

Aydin Batur

Aydin Batur

Production and Assembly

Alban Hajdaraj

Alban Hajdaraj


Philippe Kaufmann

Philippe Kaufmann


Irma Huber

Irma Huber


Alexandra Hess

Alexandra Hess

Administration and Stock

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