Rental bullet traps

An attractively priced rental of bullet traps for individual shooting events and historical events that are not held in fixed shooting ranges: here L&H can offer a good solution. With experience well over 50 years in shooting range construction.

The bullet traps are robust and very suitable for installation even in rough terrain. All we need is a solid ground.

The rental systems can be completed with intermediate and edge panels, as well as lower and upper panels, according to local specifications.

The BLB+2000+ artificial bullet trap system has been tested in accordance with the technical requirements of the DDPS and DETEC with regard to safety, pollutant emissions, maintenance and environmentally friendly disposal.

Shooting is permitted exclusively with ordnance ammunition using a rifle. Pistol ammunition is not permitted.

Technical specifications
Model: BLB+2000+, height 1.60 m (federally certified granular bullet trap)

1600 x 1000 x 1000 mm consisting of:

  • Side walls and lid 4 mm steel sheets, hot-dip galvanized.
  • bullet trap back panel made of high strength bulletproof steel HB450, thickness 6 mm.
  • Front panel made of 70 mm thick, high-molecular PE plastic panel, screwed to the side walls.
  • As original equipment, an 80 mm PUR wear center is already mounted on the front panel.
  • Box is filled with rubber grit filling grain size 4-10mm, black, class 2.
  • A basic target holder is already integrated on the individual bullet traps. Target size 1000 x 1000 x 40 mm, other sizes are available at extra charge.
  • Weight without mounted panel: 1'300 kg.
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